There are 3 great opportunities coming up I would like to remind everyone about (...including one happening TONIGHT!)
1. During our February 2020 teaching series Breakthrough, we reviewed Lydia in the Bible. Her breakthrough was accepting the truth about Jesus and being baptized right away. We have an outdoor baptism service planned for Sun., Aug. 30, however, if you are interested in getting baptized now, please do not hesitate to let me know ASAP! There are currently 5 people that heard the message and want to make their commitment now instead of waiting.

Please email me at pastoraaron@grace-chapel.net or call the church office (724) 962-5000 by Mon., March 2nd to let me know that you are interested. We will have a brief time together to discuss baptism then perform the baptisms!

2. We kicked off our Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout study this past Saturday. Over 50 people have already joined and will be participating in the 2 discussion classes coming up on March 14 and April 4. If you missed our time together on Feb. 22, no worries! Watch this video, grab a book & handout for $10 the next time you're at church, and sign up here. I look forward to seeing you on March 14 at 7:00 PM to dig in to the first 3 points.

3. Finally, TONIGHT (Feb. 29), we are showing the movie Breakthrough that debuted in theaters last year. Here is a brief summary of the movie: Tragedy strikes when Joyce Smith's adopted son, John, falls through the ice on a frozen lake in Missouri. Trapped underwater for more than 15 minutes, rescuers bring John back to the surface and rush him to the nearest hospital. While doctors fear the worst, the 14-year-old boy continues to fight for his life as Joyce, her husband, and their pastor stay by his bedside and pray for a miracle. Join us tonight for move night in the chapel at 7:00 PM and enjoy some popcorn while we spend time in community!🍿 See you soon,
Pastor Aaron